Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Let's start at the beginning...

Okay, so I've been wanting to start a blog for a while, but every time I get close the thought of "who's going to read this stuff" pops into my mind. Well as you can see, I started it anyway. If anything I now have somewhere to vent a little, and maybe even fill in everyone back home so they can keep track of me every now and then. I don't promise it will be entertaining or even make sense, but here goes...

So the day after tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Mike is flying in from Texas tomorrow after being gone on a fire roll for two 1/2 weeks, so we've decided to keep it simple and just have a quiet holiday to ourselves. It will be nice to actually spend some time together, since I don't even remember the last time we had more than just a few days together without the threat of him leaving abruptly. Neither one of us have ever cooked a Thanksgiving dinner by ourselves, so this should be interesting. I have more faith in Mike's cooking skills than my own. I'm sure there will be pictures to come. 

The holidays coming up has me missing my family, but I am considerably less homesick than I was when we first moved to Utah in January. Guess it's a part of growing up. In case you guys didn't know, I finally turned 20 last week! Haha, I know, how exciting. On another note, I also may be less homesick because I know I am flying in to go see my family the weekend of December 2nd! My mom is taking me to see a Clay Walker concert at Billy Bob's in Fort Worth. Ahh, Clay Walker, only the man I have been in love with since I was probably about 4 years old (Sorry Mike!). :) I am definitely looking forward to that.

Well, I will keep this short and sweet. (And boring, I'm sure some of you are thinking) Got to get up early to go to work and wrangle a bunch of rugrats! 


  1. Hey there is nothing wrong with your blog but if you want me to show how to customize it let me know.

  2. Haha I for sure need your help. I am such a newbie.
